




イースターはクリスマスと違って祭の日が移動します。春分の日から数えて最初の満月の後に来る日曜日は Easter Sunday と呼ばれています。今年の本来のイースターサンデーは3月23日でした。ニッセイトでは年間カリキュラムの都合上、毎年ゴールデンウィーク前の1週間をイースターウィークとし、イースターエッグづくりを行っています。現在、教室では生徒さんたちによって彩られたイースターエッグが展示されています。今月は20日までベストイースターエッグの投票も行います。是非、お子さんたちの作品をご覧に教室までお立ち寄りください。


                 Audra Lincoln





Hello, everyone!  I’m Audra, one of the new faces at Nissait! I came to Japan almost
five years ago from Wisconsin, USA. Wisconsin is in the Great Lakes in Midwest
America; actually, Lake Michigan is just to the right of us. There are plenty
of cows, corn fields and cheeses there and many people love to eat brats and
drink beer while supporting the Packer’s football team (they made it to the
Super Bowl last winter but unfortunately, they didn’t win). Although winter can
be unbelievably cold, there was more than 250
of snow this last winter, summer is very nice. All summer long there are
heaps of festivals at the lakefront. Wisconsinites celebrate everything from
beer to polka to music to food and these events are very popular with younger
people. Agriculture is also a big part of life for many people in Wisconsin, so
summer time also means fair time. Local farmers will show off their prize
animals or homemade goods and local stores will sell their foods and wares to
fair-goers. If you ever get the chance, I’d recommend going to Wisconsin in the

Although I consider Wisconsin to be my home
now, I wasn’t born there. My family moved to Wisconsin from Arizona when I was
10 years old. Arizona is the polar opposite of Wisconsin; it’s a dry, hot place
with no lakes and lots of desert. But it was in Arizona where my most vivid
Easter memories were made.

The best Easter I can remember was the one
year when my family (my mom, dad, big sister, little brother and I) went to my
little brother’s godparents’, the Hoenshelt’s, house. At the party, everyone
spent the morning coloring hard-boiled eggs. Can you believe that we never drew
pretty pictures on the eggs? The most creative thing we would do was dye the
egg in two or three colors. Then, in the afternoon, the kids would go out into
the yard and have an Easter hunt! Do you know what we were looking for? Was it
our colored eggs? Wrong! We were looking for something much better… we were hunting for Easter candy! We all had a lot of fun with our
friends at those Easter parties.

We didn’t, however, go to the Hoenshelt’s
house for every Easter. Usually, Easter was a pretty quiet affair at our house.
My brother and sister and I didn’t stay up late the night before eagerly
awaiting the Easter Bunny and we had no problems sleeping in on Easter morning.
Still, there would be an Easter basket waiting for each of us on Sunday
morning. The brightly colored baskets were filled with chocolates (Cadbury eggs
were the best!), jelly beans (black jelly beans were the worst!), and marshmallow
candies that were shaped like chicks and called “peeps”. There would also be
some kind of stuffed toy or a small game tucked inside. You can see me and my
first Easter toy in the picture. That photo was taken when I was almost 3 years
old. Better than that little chick toy, though, was a special chocolate egg I
received that had my name written
right on it!

Although I don’t remember it well, looking
at these pictures of me at Easter always makes me smile. And that is how we
spent our Easters. I hope you all have lots of happy Easter memories to share
with your friends and family, too!



            John Wagers

私はミネソタ州の州都セントポール出身です。私が育った場所は、ミネソタの州庁舎や繁華街、ミシシッピ川の近くです。ミネソタ州はニューヨークやカリフォルニアに比べるとそれほど有名ではありませんが、おもしろい場所もいくつかあります。ミシシッピ川はミネソタから始まり、メキシコ湾へと続きます。ミネソタ州で始まったいくつかの大企業もあります。例えばノースウエスト航空、ジェネラルミルズ、そして3Mがあります。3Mは、ミネソタ、採鉱、製造業(Minnesota Mining and Manufacturing)を意味します。最近では採鉱はあまり行われていません。先進医療で有名なメイヨークリニックもミネソタにあります。




My Easter experiences in Minnesota

I am from St. Paul, Minnesota. It is the capitol of the state of Minnesota.
I grew up in a very old part of the city, near the capitol building and
downtown and the Mississippi river.

Minnesota is not really all that famous compared to New York or California, but there are a few interesting things about Minnesota. The Mississippi river starts in Minnesota and winds all the way down to the Gulf of Mexico. There are some big companies that started in Minnesota, for example Northwest Airlines, General Mills and 3M. 3M actually stands for Minnesota Mining and Manufacturing, although there is not much mining going on in Minnesota these days. There is of course the world famous Mayo clinic renowned for many advances in medicine.

As I said earlier, I grew up in one of the oldest sections of the city. My family’s house was originally built for the commandant of Fort Snelling, the pioneer fort that controlled the region in the old days. Later the house was owned by a member of Al Capone’s gang, I met him when I was a kid. Often when the police pressure was high in Chicago, the gang would come to St. Paul to relax. They promised to behave while in St. Paul, so the police left them alone.

Laura Ingals, the writer whose books about pioneer life in Minnesota were later made into a long running TV series lived in Minnesota. The TV series was set in southern Minnesota. There is a museum about her life there now. They were farmers, and today in Minnesota, most of the land is still used for agriculture. There are many many lakes in Minnesota. It is known as the land of 10,000 lakes, but there are actually a little over 10,000 lakes. Water sports are very popular in the summer and ice hockey is extremely popular in the winter. It’s very cold during the winter, sometimes around -30C. Most of the people in Minnesota, like myself have ancestors that came from Scandinavia, Where the climate is similar.

My favorite memories of Easter are of sitting around our kitchen table with my two younger sisters and decorating Easter eggs. We used to decorate around 20 eggs. We each tried hard to make the most beautiful eggs. We made multi-colored eggs and put decals on them. Since I was the oldest mine usually turned out better than my sisters’ eggs, or at least I thought so anyways. After we finished decorating them we would clean up and get ready for bed.
During the night the Easter Bunny would come and hide all the eggs in the library ( it was too cold out to do it outside ) and then when we woke up in the morning we would all go downstairs and have an Easter egg hunt. The eggs would be hidden quite well. Some were up high, some behind things and some were under things. A few were pretty easy to find and others we had to search a long time to find. We also each got an Easter basket with a big Chocolate Easter bunny, marshmallow Easter treats and a lot of jelly beans.
We would have enough candy to last us for several weeks. We would often break off a piece of the chocolate bunny and melt it in the microwave, then mix it with peanut butter and put it in the fridge to solidify again.
After eating some of the Easter eggs for breakfast we would put on our nicest clothes and go to church. After church we would come home and eat more candy. Easter was a very fun time for us when we were kids.



火曜日 11:00~11:50 担当: John Wagers

【定員】10人 【講師】John Wagers (ジョン講師)【月謝】5,250円* (現在、5名の方が継続中)

プラスαチケット 好評販売中 

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Treasure every meeting, for it will never recur. (一期一会)
